Pioneer in charging stations
Pioneering work.
Modl has been active in the field of eMobility for more than seven years and is thus a pioneer when it comes to charging infrastructure in public and semi-public spaces.
Implementing our customers’ wishes quick and flexible.
Electrification of road transport is indispensable for climate protection. A needs-based infrastructure is a prerequisite for this.

This is what we offer you.
The Modl range of eMobility services.

→ Design studies and housing development
→ Conception of circuit and wiring diagrams

→ Assembly production for AC and DC charging infrastructure
→ Prototyping & test sample construction
→ Series production

→ Support of officially prescribed test processes
→ Worldwide logistics
IEC standards.
It goes without saying that all our manufacturing processes
conform to legal metrology.
How to find us...
Modl GmbH
Langenaltheimer Str. 5-9,
91788 Pappenheim